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27 blog posts contain the tag Semiconductor

The 5 greatest recruitment challenges facing the deep tech sector

The 5 greatest recruitment challenges facing the deep tech sector

1. While many industries and companies are unfortunately making redundancies, Photonic and Semiconductor companies are not. Competition for the best talent available is fierce. There is not going to b... read more...

How we find Technical Leaders for the Deep Tech industries.

How we find Technical Leaders for the Deep Tech industries.

Recruiting talent that ultimately helps companies reach their goals and achieve great steps forward is a hugely rewarding. Recent examples of our hires that lead to companies’ success include: A Techn... read more...

Mindset for recruiting in a start-up

Mindset for recruiting in a start-up

I have 23 years recruiting for Tech clients in the UK and internationally and I am fascinated by what makes some people and companies successful and others not so. One of the real privileges and treat... read more...

What’s the real impact of COVID-19 on talent and recruitment in the deep tech sector?

What’s the real impact of COVID-19 on talent and recruitment in the deep tech sector?

We see many industries making redundancies and many more likely to follow. With many people working from home for the foreseeable future and furlough continuing until October, we are undoubtedly livin... read more...

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