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40 blog posts contain the tag Photonics

Welcome to 2023

Welcome to 2023

As people filter back to work from various extended holidays and ski trips (snow conditions permitting) I hope we enter the new year with renewed enthusiasm and optimism. 2022 was a challenging year f... read more...

[Interview] - “Never give up on your dream - Alex Tsekenis

[Interview] - “Never give up on your dream - Alex Tsekenis

Ai Exploration was formed in 2019. The company develops and commercialises sensors and analytical solutions for the Energy sector to provide real-time insights to optimize production & reduce emission... read more...

[Interview] - How it started – How it’s going - Alex Tsekenis

[Interview] - How it started – How it’s going - Alex Tsekenis

Ai Exploration was formed in 2019. The company develops and commercialises hardware sensors and data analytics solutions for the Energy sector to provide real-time insights to optimise production & re... read more...

Why recession is bad news for the Deep Tech industry

Why recession is bad news for the Deep Tech industry

Just as we took a deep sigh of relief that possibly the worst impacts and effects of Covid are past us and life can move forward the spectre of a recession looms. This is bad news for companies that a... read more...

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