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Welcome to 2023

Welcome to 2023

As people filter back to work from various extended holidays and ski trips (snow conditions permitting) I hope we enter the new year with renewed enthusiasm and optimism. 2022 was a challenging year f... read more...

[Interview] - “Never give up on your dream - Alex Tsekenis

[Interview] - “Never give up on your dream - Alex Tsekenis

Ai Exploration was formed in 2019. The company develops and commercialises sensors and analytical solutions for the Energy sector to provide real-time insights to optimize production & reduce emission... read more...

[Interview] - How it started – How it’s going - Alex Tsekenis

[Interview] - How it started – How it’s going - Alex Tsekenis

Ai Exploration was formed in 2019. The company develops and commercialises hardware sensors and data analytics solutions for the Energy sector to provide real-time insights to optimise production & re... read more...

There Are Better Days Ahead for Women in STEM

There Are Better Days Ahead for Women in STEM

Too many girls in the UK grow up believing that STEM is not for them. According to studies , boys and girls start out with no apparent differences in aptitude for maths and science. In fact, girls shi... read more...

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