We can find you highly skilled and sought-after contractors across the UK and internationally.
We understand that companies now need people with varied and technical experience and these people can often be hard to find, especially on a permanent basis.
Whether you’re missing the internal expertise required or simply need to offset the risk of downtime, we can help you to gain access to talented contractors across electronics, photonics, semiconductor, software and IoT.
We know contractors are often an urgent business requirement and as a result, it’s vital to find the best candidate and get the hiring process right first time. With our ties and connections to the technology community, as well as our own database of available contractors, we’re to deliver efficient, timely and successful contract recruitment solutions.
Read our Ecebs/Rambus case study
Read our SKF Conditioning Monitoring case study
Read our Faraday Grid case study
Tell us how we can help you
+44 131 510 8150