
38 blog posts contain the tag Deep Tech

Starting a new job in lockdown - Piotr Matyba

[Interview] - Starting a new job in lockdown - Piotr Matyba

In part 1 of this 4 part interview we talk to Piotr Matyba, a Senior Laser Development Engineer with Coherent Scotland who we recently placed, about moving to a new company right as the entire country... read more...

Moving to and working in a different country - Piotr Matyba

[Interview] - Moving to and working in a different country - Piotr Matyba

In part 2 of this 4 part interview, we continue our conversation with Piotr Matyba, a Senior Laser Development Engineer with Coherent Scotland who we recently placed, about his experience of moving to... read more...

Transitioning form Academia to Industry - Piotr Matyba

[Interview] - Transitioning from Academia to Industry - Piotr Matyba

In part 3 of this 4 part interview we talk to Piotr Matyba, a Senior Laser Development Engineer with Coherent Scotland who we recently placed, about the challenges of transitioning from a career in ac... read more...

What’s the real impact of COVID-19 on talent and recruitment in the deep tech sector?

What’s the real impact of COVID-19 on talent and recruitment in the deep tech sector?

We see many industries making redundancies and many more likely to follow. With many people working from home for the foreseeable future and furlough continuing until October, we are undoubtedly livin... read more...

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